Category: Vipassana

  • Waves of Sensations

    Waves of Sensations

    When one sits by the beach and watches waves in the ocean, it becomes clear that waves arise, do their thing and pass away. No wave stays put. Once arisen, they move, and ultimately pass away. Each wave is made of the same water as every other wave. No new water is created, or destroyed.…

  • Back to Vipassana

    Back to Vipassana

    My first and only vipassana retreat was in January 2016. The retreat was great and I got back with lot of enthusiasm. I did attempt to get into regular practice once I got back, but soon I realised that I was getting nowhere. So, I stopped my practice entirely in April 2016, a mere three…

  • Progress with Vipassana

    Progress with Vipassana

    Since completing my Vipassana course in Jan this year, I have been trying to scrape time to practise atleast once a day, if not two (like they suggest). The idea is to find a place at home and practise Vipassana for a period of 1 hour, twice a day (morning & evening). I have been…

  • Vipassana – Getting in touch with reality as-it-is

    Vipassana – Getting in touch with reality as-it-is

    It has now been almost a month since I finished my Vipassana course. I still feel the magic! So I thought that it is apt to write about my experience now – since it has not faded away. There are a ton of blogs out on the Internet that give a fairly accurate day-by-day account of the…

  • Vipassana – almost begins

    Vipassana – almost begins

    Since my graduation – there has always been some sort of an interest in “figuring out life”. The vast abyss that life is – sometimes scares me, sometimes inspires me and sometimes makes me just plain lazy. I seek education in the hope that I might be able to make leaps in my journey of…