VTK Designer 2 Source and Binaries for Linux and Windows now available…

We have un-officially released VTK Designer 2. Hopefully tomorrow we should be able to make announcements in the website itself. For the curious, you can

VTK Designer 2 Source: Download the source code from http://www.vcreatelogic.com/oss/vtkdesigner/download/VTKDesigner2-Source.zip. Unzip the package and follow the instructions specified in BuildInstructions.txt to compile VTK Designer for your platform. The source code is same for both Windows and Linux users.

VTK Designer 2 Binaries for Linux: Download the Linux binaries from
http://www.vcreatelogic.com/oss/vtkdesigner/download/VTKDesigner2-Linux-Binary.tar.gz. Untar the package and run the VTKDesigner2 shell script in it. All the Qt and VTK libraries required for VTKDesigner2 is bundled in that package.

VTK Designer 2 Setup for Windows: Download the Windows setup from http://www.vcreatelogic.com/oss/vtkdesigner/download/VTK Designer 2 Setup.exe.

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2 responses to “VTK Designer 2 Source and Binaries for Linux and Windows now available…”

  1. arvind_adiga Avatar

    hey, the link to source is broken

    1. Prashanth Udupa Avatar

      Thanks for pointing out. I just updated the entry.