GCF 2.2 Released

GCF 2.2 is now released. The 2.2 release is an effort of 8 months, hope you like it.

Key Highlights

  • Software Updater Framework – GCF now includes a software updater framework that can be activated to have your applications automatically download and install updates. GCF provides tools for you to create updates that you can host on a serer site of your choice and have your applications download and install them!
  • Logger Module – GCF now provides a logger module that helps log messages from your programs.
  • CreateAppTemplateWizard replaces the old CreateAppTemplate tool. The new application generation wizard generates better code and helps configure more aspects of your application.

New Classes and Methods

  • GCF::AbstractFileDownloader and subclasses help in downloading files from local, http and ftp servers with ease.
  • GCF::ObjectIterator – This class helps in iterating through all exposed objects in a GCF application.
  • GCF::findObject<>() and GCF::findObjects<>() – These methods now make it easy to look for objects in GCF. Moreover developers can now search for objects from any class, not just from subclasses of GCF::AbstractComponent
  • GCF::connect() and GCF::disconnect() help make it easy for developers to make signal/slot connections between local and remote objects.

The above are in addition to the extended documentation and bug fixes. For a complete log of changes please read the changelog.

How to get the new version?

Just visit http://www.vcreatelogic.com/products/gcf/ and click on “Download GCF 2.2”. Once you download the ZIP file, unpack it and read the CompileHOWTO.txt file to figure out how to compile GCF on your system.

  • The cross-referenced documentation are available within doc/html.
  • You can add doc/help/GCFHelp.qch into Qt Assistant and refer to the documentation within assistant.
  • You can also read the new and updated manual contained within doc/Manual.



