Month: October 2010

  • Internet Explorer 9

    I downloaded “Internet Explorer 9 Beta” a couple of weeks ago. I have been consistently using it since then. I must say that the experience so far has been awesome! Browsing is smoother – Windows 7 Integration is nice! – It is much much much much faster than IE8 – It renders most of the…

  • Werner Erhard : The man behind The Forum

    Werner Erhard is the creator of transformational models and applications for individual, organizational and social transformation. His innovative ideas have stimulated academic conversations at many Universities, most recently in the areas of integrity, leadership, and performance. A brief history: Content derived from Wikipedia entries on ‘Werner Erhard’ and ‘Erhard Seminars Training’ Werner Erhard was known…

  • Integrity. Without it nothing works!

    For most of us Integrity is about being sincere and honest. And “honesty is the best policy”. And sincerity is about being good and true to oneself. We keep going down that road and eventually land up discussing about morality and ethics in the name of Integrity. Following are relavent excerpts from an Interview with…

  • The origin of negation

    When we go about the world, we have expectations which are often not fulfilled. For example, I go to meet an old friend. I imagine that he will be happy to see me after all these years and that we chat for hours sharing about our lives. I go there and I find that he…