Month: October 2008

  • The wedding begins

    Starting from today the wedding events begin. 🙂 The events start from today all the way until Sunday, the 9th of Nov. The actual wedding happens on the 6th of November, but until then we have a bunch of poojas. It ends with a small-and-concise reception in Bangalore on the 9th.

  • Interacting with Bezier Surfaces in VTK Designer 2

    My colleague Brian wrote a vtkBezierSurfaceWidget that can work with vtkBezierSurfaceSource to help users in interactively manipulating the control points of a bezier surface; and hence manipulating the surface. If you checkout from the SVN, you can find both these classes in there. Take a look at the video below. If you cant see the…

  • Force New Tabs in Firefox

    Ever had this problem in Firefox, where you are on a page doing something important, and you accidentally click on a bookmark (in the bookmark tab) causing your current page contents to be lost? I just found an interesting plugin for FF today that solves this problem: Tab Mix Plus. With this plugin you can…

  • VTK Designer 2.6.1 Now Available

    A new version of VTK Designer is now available. Changes include * Ability to add/edit notes in the pipeline * Moving to GCF Version 2 * A vtkBezierSurfaceSource algorithm * Lots of new examples * Lots of new wrappers * Forms can be loaded to the canvas * Fixed crashes caused by data-file-loader. * Data…

  • Very nostalgic… Search for Qt, KDE etc and look at the cached versions of the search results. Brings back the gool ol’ days to memory.

  • Bezier Surfaces in VTK Designer 2

    I gave a talk on VTK Designer to a group of engineers working at Honeywell in Bangalore. During the presentation they asked me a lot of questions about how one can visualize Bezier surfaces in VTK and/or VTK Designer 2. At that time I could only provide them with a conceptual inputs on the topic,…

  • FOSS.IN 2008

    It is getting even more developer oriented: