VTK Designer 2.5 – SVN Access

After a lot of requests from the user-base of VTK Designer, finally VTK Designer 2.5 code is now accessible from the following SVN repository https://svn2.hosted-projects.com/vcreatelogic/VTKDesigner2. Username/Password for read-only access is anonymous/anonymous. If you are interested to participate in the development*, then do drop me an email. You are more than welcome.

From now on, majority of the VTK Designer 2 development will happen within repository. All components but for the closed-source, commercial ones will be available from this location.

Starting with VTK Designer version 2.5, the source code structure of VTK Designer has changed. This is because, previously GCF was a project that was developed within VTK Designer; but now it is an independent project in itself. Non-VTK Designer specific components (like PropertyEditor, ScriptEditor etc) are now an integral part of GCF itself. The VTK Designer code base has hence been considerably changed to make use of the new GCF structure.

To compile VTK Designer 2.5.x, you will need to do the following

*) Ensure that you have Qt 4.3.x or 4.4.x, and VTK 5.0.3+ compiled and installed on your computer.

a) Checkout a copy of VTK Designer 2 from the following SVN location https://svn2.hosted-projects.com/vcreatelogic/VTKDesigner2 into a directory say /home/user/vtkdesigner2 on your computer. You must be able to find the following files now.
– /home/user/vtkdesigner2/License.txt
– /home/user/vtkdesigner2/CompileHOWTO.txt

b) Checkout a copy of GCF from the following SVN location https://svn2.hosted-projects.com/vcreatelogic/GCF into a subdirectory called GCF within the vtkdesigner2 directory, ie /home/user/vtkdesigner2/GCF

c) Create a directory called VTK5 at the same level as GCF, ie /home/user/vtkdesigner2/VTK5. In this directory ensure that there are three sub-directories.
– bin – Contains all .so/.dll files
– include – Contains all vtk*.h files
– lib – Contains all *.so/*.lib files
On GNU/Linux you can create bin and lib as soft-links to the directory that contains all *.so files.

d) Run the following command
(On Windows assuming that you have checkout GCF and VTK Designer into C:VTKDesigner2)
cd C:VTKDesigner2
qmake -tp vc -recursive “GCF_BASE=C:/VTKDesigner2/GCF” “PROJECT_BASE=C:/VTKDesigner2”
Launch Visual Studio and Build All.

(On Linux)
cd /home/user/vtkdesigner2
qmake -recursive “GCF_BASE=/home/user/vtkdesigner2/GCF” “PROJECT_BASE=/home/user/vtkdesigner2”
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/vtkdesigner2/lib:$/home/user/vtkdesigner2/bin:LD_LIBRARY_PATH

* Conditions apply, like always



